I've held my own, personal movie marathon with F. W. Murnau's masterpiece, followed by Herzog's masterpiece remake (1979), then the meta-film, "Shadow of the Vampire" -- on several occasions over the years.
Now, if a filmmaker would do the same--a remake and a meta-film -- for the underrated and forgotten, second silent horror masterpiece, "Vampyre" (1932), by Carl Theodore Drayer. Maybe in the wake of the new "Nosferatu" remake, it'll happen?
Yeah, I think I need to watch all of these, again. Wonderful essay! Thanks for the watching inspiration -- by way of VCR, mind you. (Yes, I still have one that works!)
You're so on-point. There are shots in this movie that utterly blow your mind. "Vampyre" has the same effect on your watch.